Monday, October 21, 2024



Managing Your Doctor

Take charge of your own health, or “Explain it to me one more time,...

And he wrote a book (a wonderful read - fun, irreverent at times, and full of so much good information), called Managing Your Doctor, dedicated to helping people take charge of their own healthcare, which is so important in this day and age.

My visit to a Sikh temple, or “You are always welcome!”

So on occasion I accompany my husband on business trips to Long Island, and near the hotel we stay in is a somewhat dilapidated little house which has a sign declaring it to be...
Self Portrait

Love, trust, vulnerability, and caring what others think. Or, Sally Field is a...

I have a confession to make. I care what people think.  I’m embarrassed to admit this, as I adore the thought of blithely travelling through life, doing my own thing, loving and not caring...


Empty Bottle

Sorry for a persistent lack of articulateness of late

A good Sunday evening to anyone who reads this! I'm feeling bad about not writing anything of late. So this post is directed to...



Education today

So, if I were to write everything in my head about education today, it would 1) be a jumbled mess; and 2) be longer...
Brick Wall

My brain hurts. That is all.

Sigh. I love learning new things. Like, love it. I'll ask virtually anybody what they're doing, and how, and can I try, pretty please?...

Social Work


Tybee Diner Light

Redefining the concept of ‘Need’, or Baby Blue bathrooms are kinda...

Dear everyone who has ever been on House Hunters on HGTV, The kitchen in the house you're looking at does not actually have to be completely...


Blurry Ship Image

From Yes Man, the movie …

So one of my favorite characters ever is Allison from Yes Man, played by Zooey Deshanel.  She sings in a band with like 4 devoted followers, and she leads a group that takes photographs...