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Learning new things, or “Hey, I never had to leave Kansas after all!”

Hey everyone,

So when I started this blog, as I’ve mentioned (my kids will be like “Really, mom? Again?” … ok, no they won’t, because they don’t read my blog … but if they did …), I was trying to get a handle on web design. I was learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript (which I did finally learn, and after Python I realized I love programming), and I started a WordPress blog, mostly to see what WordPress was like.

Then I realized I like to talk. About myself. But I also realized that being a full-time student, mom, and wife, didn’t allow me a lot of time to talk about myself. But I digress.

After I got my degree in IT, specializing in programming and web design, and I realized that, for most people, WordPress is probably the way to go.

Why reinvent the wheel? When people have already invented it, created it in a variety of colors and designs, and are giving it to you for free. With support on how to use it.

I’ve helped a friend design his site, and I recommended WordPress because of the accessibility, and the community. I’m about to write a post dedicated to his site, but I’ll mention it here as well.

Please check out managingyourdoctor.com.

Managing Your DoctorThis is a blogging / informational / Q&A site by a wonderful man and doctor (more to come soon in my next post), dedicated to helping people learn to take control of their own healthcare – from dealing with doctors, to insurance, to understanding different medicine choices. It’s an accompanyment to his book, Managing Your Doctor by Dr. Patrick Neustatter, which is a fun, sometimes irreverent, but always concerned for the patient look at navigating our health care system.

But that is my next post. This one is about how much I have come to appreciate the WordPress community.

Thank you WordPress. I’ve traveled, and will travel more, but I’m finding that you’re my cyberspace home.

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